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Quick Setup
Clean Install
Full Install
Quick Upgrade

DynamIP v3.50 uses the new VB6 (SP2) controls and runtime library. Installing DynamIP will upgrade various controls on your system. This might cause conflicts with some of your existing software. Hence, if you want to play it safe you should check out the page Required Files to see which controls (OCX) and dynamic link libraries (DLL) will be upgraded and then make backup copies of your old files BEFORE you install DynamIP!

The following assumes that you currently don't have DynamIP installed on your system! You need the file DynamIPv350.zip to install DynamIP.

You should uninstall old versions of DynamIP BEFORE you try to install this new version! (instructions are here).

  1. Copy the file DynamIPv350b5.zip to a temporary directory and unzip it.
  2. Run Setup.exe to install DynamIP (the "Typical" Option works best).

If you cannot install DynamIP, please refer to the section Installation Problems.

Now we are going to configure DynamIP:

Step 1
(start DynamIP)
  1. Start DynamIP for the first time (a shortcut was added to your Start Menu). If DynamIP doesn't start, please check out the trouble-shooting section. Common problems are missing files (DLL, OCX), wrong version of files (DLL, OCX, especially cmuTCP.ocx), or old versions of DynamIP.INI that cause conflicts during startup. A list of all the required files (including correct version) is available here.
Step 2
(setup POP checker)
  1. Choose the menu Setup|Mail (if your screen resolution is 640x480 so that you can't see all the fields of the Setup window, read the hint on how to move the Setup window).
  2. Check the Active box.
  3. Enter the name of your POP server into the field POP Server (e.g. mail.geocities.com).
  4. Type your login into the field Login (e.g. cmu).
  5. Type your password into the field Password.
  6. Click the folder button just to the left of the button Notify Sound. In the file list box, select the file yougotmail.wav and then click the button "Open".
  7. Check the box to the left of the file path/name you just entered to activate this sound.
  8. Check the box Check E-mail on Connect.
  9. Enter your value of choice into the box every ... min (this is the number of minutes between mail box checks.
  10. Click the button "OK" (your first mail box is now active and DynamIP indicates this with a change in color of the mail box; the 0 below the mail box indicates that you have currently 0 messages in that box).

DynamIP can also start your E-mail client automatically whenever you receive new mail. Please refer to the detailed Setup Information here for details.

Step 3
(setup Time module)
  1. Choose the menu Setup|Time.
  2. Check the Active box.
  3. Enter the name of your NTP server into the field NTP Server (e.g. bernina.ethz.ch). If you're not in Europe, you might want to find a local NTP server (a list of public servers is available here).
  4. Verify that the two options Use Registry Time Zone Information and Synchronize PC Clock on Connect event are checked.
  5. Click the button "OK" (the clock synchronizer is now configured).
Step 4
(setup IPchat, but you can skip this step if you don't want to use IPchat)
  1. Choose the menu Setup|IPchat.
  2. Check the Active box.
  3. Enter your nick name into the field Handle (e.g. 6pack).
  4. Enter your name into the field Name (e.g. Joe Sixpack).
  5. Enter your e-mail address into the field e-mail (e.g. JS@bigfoot.com).
  6. Enter the URL of your permanent home page into the field URL (e.g. http://www.bigfoot.com/~JS/). Leave this field empty if you don't have a home page.
  7. Enter your location (city, country, etc.) into the field Location (e.g. Palo Alto, CA).
  8. Enter any comment you like into the field Comment (e.g. no junk mail please).
  9. Click the folder button the the left of the button Join Sound. In the file list box, select the file scanjoin.wav and then click the button "Open". Now check the box to the left of this new entry to activate the sound. You can click the button Join Sound to try it out.
  10. Click the folder button the the left of the button Hail Sound. In the file list box, select the file scanhail.wav and then click the button "Open". Now check the box to the left of this new entry to activate the sound. You can click the button Hail Sound to try it out.
  11. Verify that the entry to the left of the button Edit IPDB file at the bottom points to the file IPDB.txt in the DynamIP installation directory (if not, you can click on the folder button and select the appropriate file).
  12. Click the button "OK" (IPchat is now configured).

Please refer to the detailed Setup Information here for details on the other settings.

Step 5
(setup WEBchat, but you can skip this step if you don't want to use WEBchat)
  1. Choose the menu Setup|WEBchat.
  2. Check the Active box.
  3. Click the button Default Settings.
  4. Click the button "OK" (WEBchat is now configured).

Please refer to the detailed Setup Information here for details on the other settings.

Step 6
(setup DUN/RAS)
  1. Choose the menu Setup|DUN/RAS.
  2. Select Dynamic IP Address (RAS) as your IP method.
  3. Check the box Dial at Startup.
  4. Select your Dial-Up Connection #1 and then check the box to the left of this new entry.
  5. If you want DynamIP to hide the Connect to window you can check the appropriate box.
  6. Click the button "OK" (DUN/RAS is now configured).

Please refer to the detailed Setup Information here for details on the other settings. If your system has multiple IP addresses (e.g. network cards combined with modems, etc.) you should read the very detailed information about the option Dynamic IP Address (Winsock)  in IP Address Detection.

Step 7
(setup Uploader, but you can skip this step if you don't want to use Uploader)
  1. Choose the menu Setup|Uploader.
  2. Check the Active box.
  3. Enter the name of your FTP server into the field Remote Host (e.g. ftp.geocities.com). If the FTP server is not at port 21 (default) then you need to enter the correct port number as well.
  4. Enter your login into the field Login (e.g. cmu).
  5. Enter your password into the field Password.
  6. Verify that the Template ONline entry is DynamIP_.htm.
  7. Verify that the Template OFFline entry is DynamIP_.htm.
  8. Verify that the Local File entry is DynamIP.htm.
  9. Enter the path (optional) and name of your remote file into the field Remote File (e.g. DYNAMIP.HTM).
  10. Verify that the IP entry is NOT.ON.LINE.NOW.
  11. Verify that the post last IP entry is <!--IPlastknown-->.
  12. Verify that the DateTime entry is $DateTime.
  13. Verify that the HTTP Server entry is HTTP Server NOT available. Uncheck the box to the left of this entry.
  14. Verify that the FTP Server entry is FTP Server NOT available. Uncheck the box to the left of this entry.
  15. Verify that the FTP UserID entry is anonymous.
  16. Uncheck the WEBcam box and verify that the entry is <!--WEBcam-->. Uncheck the New Frame box.
  17. Uncheck the box Remote WEBcam File and verify that the entry is capture.jpg.
  18. Uncheck the box History.
  19. Uncheck the box Immediate Retry on Failure.
  20. Uncheck the box Delete Remote File before Put.
  21. Verify that #Retries is 0.
  22. Uncheck the box Binary Transfer.
  23. Ccheck the box WEBchat.
  24. Check the box AutoONline.
  25. Check the box AutoOFFline.
  26. Uncheck the box DIPFTP Client.
  27. Verify that refresh every is 0.
  28. Verify that Timeout is 65.
  29. Set FTP Proxy Type is Direct Connection (NO Proxy).
  30. Click the button "OK" (the Uploader is now configured).

Please refer to the detailed Setup Information here for details on the other settings.

Step 8
(save configuration)
  1. Choose the menu File|Save Configuration to save your settings to the file DynamIP.INI.

If you run into problems with the installation of DynamIP, please check out the section Installation Problems on the Trouble-Shooting page. Detailed setup information (for more features like the program launcher, the WEBcam, etc.) is also available. I would appreciate it if you could try to find answers to your questions there before you resort to sending e-mail to me. Thank you for your consideration!

Information about DynamIP running as an NT Service is available here.

If you are running a web server on your machine you might be interested in DIPS (Dynamic IP Server). DIPS is a totally free service that allows you to publish web content directly from your own computer with a fixed URL even though you have a dynamic IP address. DynamIP has built-in DIPS client capability. Connect to the DIPS home page at http://postmodem.com/dips-admin/ and find out more about this free service. The big advantage of using DIPS is that you don't have to upload any files to your ISP's FTP server. This saves you time and makes the whole process a lot more reliable.

Last modified: April 05, 1999
OFFLINE visitors since May 1, 1998

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